Don’t miss out on the first annual conference dedicated entirely to helping teachers demystify  the C2 competency in English: The Real Deal is a unique workshop experience geared towards helping English teachers solidify, practice and teach reinvestment tasks in classrooms everywhere.

Dynamic interactions pertaining to planning, differentiation and evaluation in friendly workshop settings, are on the menu. Come along and take part in activities that best suit your needs; we offer hands-on workshops for elementary cycle 3, as well as cycles 1 and 2 at the high school level.

At the end of the day participants will walk away with:

Schedule for the day 

9h à 9h15 Accueil

9h15 à 10h30 What's a C2?

10h30 à 10h50 Break

10h50 à 12h Workshop 1: Sharing Good C2!

12h à 13h30 Lunch

13h30 à 14h15 Workshop 2

14h15 à 14h30 Break

14h30 à 15h15 Workshop 3

15h15 à 15h30 Conclusion of the day

Formulaire de rétroaction